Sunday, February 26, 2006

It's only a game

Not that you'd think so the way he goes on about it. Been supporting Liverpool for nearly forty-five years apparently. Used to watch them from the Kop in the days when you could get in for two bob - whatever that is. Some Scottish bloke called Shankly was in charge then. Tells her he used to cry himself to sleep when they lost. Not much has changed there so far as I can see.

Still we got a result against City today, even if it wasn't exactly pretty. My chat with Rafa was obviously crucial as Kewell got on the scoresheet again. Even Crouch had a decent game by all accounts. So, that's put a smile on his face.

And they've just come back from the supermarket. With any luck I'll be able to blag some parma ham later - I caught him slipping it into the fridge when he thought I wasn't looking. They seem to think that Starry and I are stupid. They're the ones who have to go out to work and pay for things while we lie around and get waited on. Who's stupid now?


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