Sunday, February 26, 2006

What Charlie doesn't know

Ha, Charlie thinks I don't know about this blogging stuff! But, then there's lots of things he doesn't know about me. We girls aren't as daft as he likes to think. I can do a lot more than just lying around and looking pretty you know. As well as lying around on the bed, I've got my own special bag. It's a funny blue thing with a fleecy lining, quite nice really. I climb in there and I can curl up or I can pad around scratching. Scratching...that's one of my favourite things along with jumping, sitting on him when he's lying in bed and sitting on the newspaper when he's trying to read it. Charlie doesn't have a bag, just a grubby old blanket on the back of an armchair - that's boys for you, no idea about domestic things.


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